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jQuery Deferred queue

Since jQuery 1.5 had been released some very good feature called Deferred Object appeared for better callbacks handling and other kinds of synchronizing calls.
Deferred API has "jQuery.when()" which allows to multiplex deferreds (waiting on multiple deferreds at the same time)... and has "pipe()" to create a pipeline or chain of deferreds (since version 1.6). While this is very nice if all deferreds are available at the same point, it doesn't really convenient if there is a collections of deferreds coming from multiple sources (which may not be aware of one another). This plugin allows to solve the problem at some point. But it was based on previous version... before pipe() feature.
My simple solution also tries to handle multiplexing deferreds from different sources using shared Queue object.
Idea is to have a queue that is based on the principle of FIFO multiple-producers multiple-consumers tasks queues.
Let's start from unit test to describe how it works:

asyncTest("Test of appending to the queue ", 6, function () {
  var queue = new Queue();
  queue.append(function () {
   ok("func 1");

   setTimeout(function () {
      ok("func 1 nested");
      start(); // Continue async test. 
      this.resolve(1); // return some value for the subscribers.
    }.bind(this), 500); // Here I would like to have a control over Deferred through 'this'.
  .done(function (arg) { // on done callback
    ok("func 1 done callback");
    equal(arg, 1);

  queue.append(function (arg) {
    equal(arg, "test arg data");
    this.reject(); // operation was failed.
  }, "test arg data")
  .fail(function (funcArg) { // on fail callback
    ok("func 2 fail callback");
So here we have a queue object and two calls of independent functions that might come from the multiple sources. Each function itself might have a callbacks or chain so "queue.append" should return a promise.
The assert trace should look like this: "func 1", "func 1 nested", "func 1 done callback", "func 2" and "func 2 fail callback".
And the code itself:
Queue = function () {
  this.promise = jQuery(this).promise(); // Stub promise

// Magic with arguments is needed to pass arguments to the called function
Queue.prototype.append = function () {
  var args = arguments;

  var fn = args[0];
  if (!fn || !jQuery.isFunction(fn)) {
    throw new TypeError('1st parameter should be a function');

  var self = this;
  args =, 1);
  return this.promise = this.promise.pipe(function () {
    return jQuery.Deferred(function () {
      try {
        return fn.apply(this, args);
      } catch (ex) {
        // log exception
        return self.promise = jQuery(self).promise();
Implementation idea is very simple: Class just has a reference to the head of a queue and push new function to the Deferred pipeline.


log4net appender for Raven DB

Recently I have started to look at noSQL databases and Document-Oriented DBs particularly for the .NET platform to solve some issues within our solution. One of the brilliant examples of such databases is Raven DB by Ayende. IMHO, one of the benefits of Raven DB is easy to start way. It has almost all I need out of the box: simple deploy, native .NET client with Linq, Map/Reduces indexes, RESTful API and so on and so forth.
Raven DB itself uses NLog by default and our solution uses log4net like thousands of other ones. So I decided to experiment with custom log4net appender for our needs because one of the first steps of moving to noSQL direction might be logging, due to simple implementation. Such an approach is far more flexible than logging to text files and might significantly reduce load on SQL servers in case of using ADO.NET appender.
So let's start.
First we need to decide what we are going to store. Since logging event  is simple and independent document  we can just wrap LoggingEvent.
// The log entry document entity that will be stored to the database.
public class Log : INamedDocument

  public Log(LoggingEvent logEvent)
    if (logEvent == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("logEvent");

    this.LoggerName = logEvent.LoggerName;
    this.Domain = logEvent.Domain;
    this.Identity = logEvent.Identity;
    this.ThreadName = logEvent.ThreadName;
    this.UserName = logEvent.UserName;
    this.MessageObject = logEvent.MessageObject;
    this.TimeStamp = logEvent.TimeStamp;
    this.Exception = logEvent.ExceptionObject;
    this.Message = logEvent.RenderedMessage;
    this.Fix = logEvent.Fix.ToString();


    // Raven doesn't serialize unknown types like log4net's PropertiesDictionary
    this.Properties = logEvent.Properties.GetKeys().ToDictionary(key => key, key => logEvent.Properties[key].ToString());

  public string LoggerName { get; set; }
  public string Domain { get; set; }
  public string Identity { get; set; }
  public string ThreadName { get; set; }
  public string UserName { get; set; }
  public object MessageObject { get; set; }
  public DateTime TimeStamp { get; set; }
  public object Exception { get; set; }
  public string Message { get; set; }
  public string Fix { get; set; }
  public IDictionary Properties { get; set; }
Next step will be choosing which appender template we need and which additional settings Raven requires. I think using of buffering appender makes sense in order not to drive database connection up the wall. As for additional setting of appender we might need connection string (or connection string name) and Raven's settings about max number of request per document session.
So our ".config" file would have something like this:

Ok, we have all the prerequisites and we can write some code.
Implementation is simple: on SendBuffer method it adds log events to a document session and saves changes to a DB server. On ActivateOptions it will initialize DB connection, i.e. create document store instance.
  public class RavenAppender : BufferingAppenderSkeleton
    private readonly object lockObject = new object();

    private IDocumentStore documentStore;

    private IDocumentSession documentSession;

    #region Appender configuration properties

    /// Gets or sets the connection string.
    /// The connection string.
    public string ConnectionString { get; set; }

    /// Gets or sets the max number of requests per session.
    /// By default the number of remote calls to the server per session is limited to 30.
    /// The max number of requests per session.
    public int MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession { get; set; }


    /// Initializes a new instance of the  class.
    public RavenAppender() {}

    /// Initializes a new instance of the  class. 
 /// Can be used for unit testing
The document store.
    public RavenAppender(IDocumentStore documentStore)
      if (documentStore == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("documentStore");

      this.documentStore = documentStore;

    protected override void SendBuffer(LoggingEvent[] events)
      if (events == null || !events.Any())


      foreach (var entry in events.Where(e => e != null).Select(e => new Log(e)))


    public override void ActivateOptions()
      catch (Exception exception)
        ErrorHandler.Error("Exception while initializing Raven Appender", exception, ErrorCode.GenericFailure);
        // throw;

    protected override void OnClose()

        if (this.documentSession != null)

        if (this.documentStore != null && !this.documentStore.WasDisposed)
      catch (Exception e)
        ErrorHandler.Error("Exception while closing Raven Appender", e, ErrorCode.GenericFailure);


    protected virtual void Commit()
      if (this.documentSession == null)

      catch (Exception e)
        ErrorHandler.Error("Exception while commiting to the Raven DB", e, ErrorCode.GenericFailure);

    private void CheckSession()
      if (this.documentSession != null)

      lock (this.lockObject)
        if (this.documentSession != null)
          if (this.documentSession.Advanced.NumberOfRequests >= this.documentSession.Advanced.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession)

        this.documentSession = this.documentStore.OpenSession();
        this.documentSession.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;

        if (this.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession > 0)
          this.documentSession.Advanced.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = this.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession;

    private void InitServer()
      if (this.documentStore != null)

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ConnectionString))
        var exception = new InvalidOperationException("Connection string is not specified.");
        ErrorHandler.Error("Connection string is not specified.", exception, ErrorCode.GenericFailure);


      this.documentStore = new DocumentStore
        ConnectionStringName = this.ConnectionString

One detail we should care about is max number of requests per session. RavenDB's default limitation is 30 requests per session. On the one hand we have moved this option to the config file on the other hand we just recreate a session when max number of requests is reached.
So this is it: simple but effective. With RavenDB indexes it is possible to have extra-analysis or statistics of logged events, for instance, number of error per day / per module, new errors or warnings, etc.
Sources are available on GitHub.
NuGet package:

The screenshot of the test Log documents